понедельник, 20 июля 2009 г.


Androgel and Androderm (testosterone)
Transdermal Testosterone on the market has been largely Hormone Replacement Therapy market over the last ten years. For over 50 years, testosterone has been used to treat Hypogonadism. In recent years, an increase in the use of testosterone in men with Hypogonadism, late start, which is sometimes referred to as andropause. Testosterone in older men and hypogonadic can improve your sense of well-being and lead to increased muscle and bone mass, upper body strength, virility and libido (5). Oral unmodified testosterone is not a viable option because of its first-pass metabolism rapidly, possible liver toxicity and its relatively short half-life. Thus, injection of testosterone, was used for a very long time as an effective method of hormonal. Almost ten years, there is an alternative to oral and injections of testosterone have been developed. Initially, these other methods of application of testosterone does shave the surface of the skin (scrotum * generally ... No, really), and accompanied by a patch of testosterone low heat (again, no, really), like a hair dryer, which are mainly hot-glued on the testosterone patch to the scrotum. I do not see me for life, the logic used by a doctor who believes that this method is preferable to weekly or bi-monthly injections. Fortunately, this procedure is more painful to the point where it is now, and you can simply apply the self-adhesive patch or testosterone gel rub some anywhere on your body and get the same effect. In recent BALCO scandal better than many references to the method of freezing. I think that for a proper understanding of these products, we must examine both the drug (testosterone) and the mode of administration (transdermal delivery) and how they work together and how they correlate with injections of testosterone. When some of them (nonscrotal) transdermal testosterone preparations have been examined, they showed that the plasma concentration in the TS increased rapidly and reached a peak in 3-6 hours after applying a patch test. . (2) This can be compared to some of the best interpreters of products out there in my experience, the athlete usually swallow the pill the patch hangs on one day, however. In principle, one can expect these benefits to the injection of a transdermal testosterone (dose even if they are not). What we have here Androderm, a patch containing testosterone and Androgel 12.2mgs, which gives roughly the same (you can get only 10% of the drug in the preparation ... Thus, one hundred and test MSG in the form of a gel, 10mg will the amount of your body). Below is a table comparing transdermal injection, with the help of testosterone: Stationary pharmacokinetic profiles of T, BT, DHT, and E2 profiles during the night, the use of TTD systems (N = 27, left) and twice weekly injections of T enanthate IM (N = 29; X , right) measured in week 16. Dotted lines indicate the upper and lower limits of normal range based on morning serum samples (T, 306-1031 ng / dL, BT, 92-420 ng / dL DHT, 28-85 ng / dL, E2 , 0.9-3.6 ng / dL). Error bars indicate ± SD. (1) Not great, eh? A simple injection of 100 mg of testosterone is much higher peak plasma concentration of testosterone, although testosterone transdermal system is more stable in terms of the levels of blood plasma. So what are the advantages of transdermal application? Obviously, it is very stable in the blood of the complexity of management. I know it seems I am in the murder of your card, but consider this: Serum T concentrations (mean ± SE) before (day 0) and after transdermal T applications in the days 1, 30, 90 and 180. Time 0 h 0800 h, when samples of blood, usually. At 90 days, the dose in the gel material from the application of T 50 or 100 were titrated up or down if their preapplication serum T levels above or below the normal range of adult males , respectively. In this and the figures, the dotted lines indicate the range of normal adult male, and lines and open symbols represent subjects whose dose of T gel was adjusted. Thus, successively, .. but who cares? The level of testosterone, it gave us just enough to provide an increase in height (financial) costs. However, it would be wonderful if we could get a larger history of this mix? Or maybe even with clen, so that we can use directly on the areas of fat? Or Tren? It would be great, right? It will have an opportunity for the first time the needle-phobic steroid users to use elements that were previously only available as an injection! Women can use Tren products without leaving any marks of the needle! In fact ... and a little creativity, underground laboratories could even make a transdermal product that would never arrive at the office (perhaps in the form of stickers or any). But ... I think it is not in the cards, but ... Allows you to move on ... One of the successes of the method of transdermal delivery of testosterone DuroTak combines 87-2510 as an adhesive polymer. This, combined with 3% dodecylamine and 10% Span 80. This, in combination with testosterone creates a transdermal delivery system nice (4). Another experimental transdermal testosterone preparation contains occlusion, octisalate (OS) and propylene glycol (PG), called Solugel (which owns hydrogel containing PG 25% w / w) and Tegaderm (a semi-film dressing) on the penetration of TES was assessed. Occlusion had no effect on the penetration of TES, however, increased the flow TES OS 2.9 times. The concentration of PG that optimize the flow of TES was 20% V / V, and this concentration resulted in a 1.9-fold increase in TES permeation. By combining OS, PG, and occlusion, transdermal penetration of testosterone through the skin increased by 8.7 times, is to increase synergies, it is clear that this means that the sum of the parts is much more large that their results (3). Why do I say to bother you all the ingredients that can be easily found on the suppliers of chemicals and purchased legally? Of course, so you can make a transdermal testosterone preparation (or friction or clen or something) and it would be illegal. Even if you know the ingredients, in May, but simply to make a gel with some of them and testosterone (or the train station, Finaplex granules), and create your own transdermal drugs. It would be wrong and References: jcem.endojournals.org/content/vol84/issue10 In vitro and in vivo nonscrotal evaluate a new type of matrix transdermal testosterone. Drug Dev Ind Pharm. 2005 Mar; 31 (3) :257-61. Synergistic increase of testosterone transdermal delivery systems. J Control Release. 2005 Apr 18; 103 (3) :577-85. The current status of therapy with symptomatic late Hypogonadism transdermal testosterone gel. Eur Urol. 2005 Feb; 47 (2) :137-46. Effects of androgen substitution on lipid profile of the adult and aging hypogonadal men. Eur J Endocrinol. October 2004, 151 (4) :415-24. Review. [Gruenewald, Matsumoto. J Am Geriatr Social 2003, 51:101; Morales. Aging Male 2004, in press].

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