понедельник, 20 июля 2009 г.


Andriole (testosterone undecanoate)
Andriole testosterone undecanoate ester attached, and orally. It is the first real attempt to create an oral testosterone methyl testosterone. I can only assume that the scientists responsible for this desire to create a viable alternative to both injectable testosterone (which, at least, a hormone replacement therapy, it is embarrassing), and other oral forms of testosterone (which traditionally been very hard on the liver). The fact that they come from very strange steroids in many ways. To create Andriole, scientists have been involved to come to the problems of methyltestosterone, which is that hard on the liver and should be taken in very high doses to produce decent results. What they did to 40mg testosterone Undecanoate oleic acid (oil), and integrity. Now they use castor oil and propylene glycol laurate instead of oleic acid, however, that only increases the lifespan and do nothing else. For some, reading this budding chemists, you can ask the obvious question. And yes, you can almost estrified any drug (nandrolone decanoate, for example), and dissolve it in castor oil and propelyne glycol laurate, and create your own "Deca Hat", or whatever. The problem is that you should be able to make sealed gel caps, not only the type 2 capsules most people throw steroid powder in. If anything, I'm digressing, back to Andriole. Once you put a bit of testosterone undecanoate expressed in oil and propelyne glycol laurate, you have testosterone, which is highly soluble in fat under the (very large) undecanoate ester attached to it, and May be due to your small intestine through the lymphatic system. What does this mean that it avoids "first pass" in the liver, a process that could destroy a significant portion of the assets of steroids, as well as spend an inordinate amount of stress on the liver. He also showed the rapid circulation and absorption in one study (11), which can not cause side effects. This is not bad for your blood pressure (13), and has no negative effects on the prostate and May to increase blood pressure (12)! Thus, Andriole remarkably light on all side effects, particularly associated with liver toxicity and estrogenic sides. Andriole for women The study, done with women, it has not yet demonstrated the ability to reduce LH and FSH (Leutenizing hormone and follicle stimulating hormone), which are hormones that tell your body to increase testosterone (11) . I doubt, Andriole could be considered as the liver is too toxic or damage to your HPTA (hypothalamic-pituitary-testicular axis, the fact that your body regulates the production of testosterone, among other things). any (even excessive) dose. In fact, one study observed no adverse reactions and the effect on the overall use of Andriole (10). Regarding your lipid profile and cholesterol, it has been shown that the beneficial effect on (14)! Thus, some testosterone gel Undecanoate Caps is that scientists in the Organon Andrioli make their product, and it seems so far, right? Active steroid ignores the liver and therefore receives no injury or damage to the liver, as well as do a lot of testosterone in the body. Great! But what happens next? Well, when the lymphatic system is composed of testosterone undecanoate for the treatment of body, undecanoate ester is starting to be removed. You will get an (approximately) 25mg of testosterone in blood as the decanoate ester is very "space" and that the cap contains a total of 40mg of testosterone undecanoate (about 15mg to ether). The final result of Andriole is very similar to the final consumer virtually any form of testosterone (4), once your body gets rid of the ether. But remember, you do not wear suspension and testosterone 25mg call him that day, but that's what you do when you take one course Andriole. So now you have 25mg of testosterone floating around your body. This is not a lot, so if you are really considering using this product, you need to take a series of vignettes of her. And it is one of the first challenges we faced with this drug. You see, the method of administration of this drug gives us a beautiful liver safe product, but this story will be the pinnacle of your testosterone levels by approximately 2 hours after admission, and will remain the only (at least one low) level of 10 hours (1). Ideally, you need to take the capsules every 2 hours, which is annoying at least. Let's be generous and say that you can just take one every 4 hours. Problem solved? Not really, because we must take at least 2 caps with each dose, if we want an anabolic effect, and if we take every 4 hours (provided we are awake for 16hrs every day), we take about 8 capsules per day. Now we have moved the issue of effort required for once, if a problem with the economy. The cost of purchasing Andriole The problem with the type of the dose, the cost of buying andrioli. Andriole is very expensive to take in the amount of 8 capsules per day, and I've never seen anyone except Organon And that means we can not find it on any lists of Underground Labs products. And that means we have to pay any price asked Organon ... and they require a lot. You can easily start a cycle of several highly anabolic compounds for the price of one cycle Andriole. So what are our main obstacles in taking Andriole effective dose is prohibitive for most people. One study noted that Andriole therapy, compared with injections of testosterone is about 7-8x more expensive (5). Andriole Side Effects Price does not last, we can see what the side effects Andriole we can expect (besides catabolic effect this will have on your wallet). Although it has a reputation as a very soft, you'll still see results Andriole. One study, using very low doses in adolescents have shown a reasonable gain of fat free mass (3), although boys are not training. And in another study on the elderly, improve their quality of life considerably (as androgens often) (6), and also had a positive impact on erectile dysfunction (7) (again, this is typical of androgens) . It is certainly encouraging, but in a world where ETS is the first, in May he be a useful complement to Viagra for this purpose (8). However, in a world where first time steroid users expect more than 20lbs per cycle, I suspect many will be disappointed with the 5lbs or cycle Andrioli will. Of course, this estimate, but I can not be sure to provide more muscle to be expected from Andriole. Taking many Andriole is a very safe (with the exception of your bank account), and even 3-month study in Korea, where a very low dose Andriole (160 mg daily for 3 weeks and then half this dose for the remainder of the study) led to a great increase in testosterone. Total testosterone in serum increased from 2.13 + / - 1.20 ng / ml at the base of 6.04 + / - 3.08 ng / ml (P = 0.005) after 12 weeks. In addition, testosterone has been (almost) changed significantly from 8.60 + / - 2.25 pg / ml to 11.40 + / - 3.81 pg / ml (p = 0.13) (10 ). However, no significant change in liver function, red blood cells and lipid profile, has no side effects that may lead to the cessation of oral administration of testosterone. Thus, Organon scientists have succeeded in making a beautiful, safe, moderately effective in the provision of oral therapy with low androgen. But can we (the athletes and bodybuilders) use? Honestly, I can not be sure, provide a gain 5lbs using Andriole, because the product has a very strange property, which is very different effects on its subjects. In a study I read, the four subjects were Andriole, and one was a huge increase of testosterone before they 60.1nmol / L, while the other had a single 11.5nmol / L level (5 )! The remaining 2 subjects fell between these levels. I speculate that the differences encountered by the subjects were mainly due to the inherent difference in the lymphatic system. But to make the issue even more confusing, there is no evidence that these differences would not occur in the same person who takes Andriole (ie, you get a huge increase of testosterone, one day and very little the next day). May this be due to the variability of whether the material is taken with food or not. As he works through association with the small intestine and lymph routes, taking food increases the bioavailability (9), and in May this be a "problem solved" but I have not dealt with the closure books on andrioli absorption problem as quickly as now, we just say, you have to spend money more wisely, if you take your andrioli nutrition. Despite all its problems, if I had the money to start the 10-15 Andriole of caps / day, and if I'm looking for a variety of interpretations safe to run a full cycle (approximately 12 weeks) , then I must admit, I Andriole # 1 choice. Testosterone undecanoate, in May and provide an alternative therapy for women to androgens. Testosterone Undecanoate + ether [androsta-4-ene-3-One, 17b-OL] Molecular weight of base: 288,429 Molecular weight of ester: 186.2936 Formula: C19 H28 O2 Melting point: 155 Manufacturer: Organon Effective dose: 600mg Active Life: less than 8.12 hours Detection time: 4-5 weeks Anabolic / Androgenic Ratio (Range): 100:100 References: What therapy androgen replacement for women? Journal of Clin Endocrinol and Metab. 83 1998 3920 -24 A new oral formulation of testosterone undecanoate. World J Urol. 2003 Nov; 21 (5) :311-5. Epub 2003 Oct 25. Review. The effects of oral testosterone undecanoate on growth, body composition, strength and energy expenditure of adolescents. Clin Endocrinol (Oxf). 1992 Sep; 37 (3) :207-13. Recovery of free androgens in the prostate of rat in vivo and in vitro after treatment orally active testosterone undecanoate (TU). Horm Metab Res. October 1980, 12 (10) :541-5 What replacement therapy testosterone? Clin Endocrinol (Oxf) 21 198497-107 Effect of oral testosterone undecanoate on visuospatial cognition, mood and quality of life in older men with low-normal gonadal status. Maturitas. 2005 Feb 14; 50 (2) :124-33. Effect of oral testosterone 12 months on the symptoms of testosterone deficiency in symptomatic elderly males with low-normal gonadal status. Age Aging. 2005 Mar; 34 (2) :125-30. Epub 2004 Dec 13. Oral testosterone undecanoate reverses erectile dysfunction associated with diabetes in patients not only sildenafil citrate. Aging men. 6 June 2003 (2) :94-9. Influence of food on the bioavailability of oral testosterone undecanoate. Pharmacotherapy. 2003 Mar; 23 (3) :319-25. Oral testosterone replacement in Korean patients with Padam. Aging men. 2002 Mar; 5 (1) :52-6. The administration of testosterone undecanoate in women after menopause: the effects of androgens, oestradiol and gonadotrophins. Menopause. July-August 2000, 7 (4) :251-6. Effects on androgen supplementation therapy on partial androgen deficiency of the age of men: a preliminary study. Aging men. 2002 Mar; 5 (1) :47-51. The therapeutic effect andrioli on serum lipids and apolipoproteins in elderly male patients with coronary artery disease. J. Science Chin Med 1992 Sep 7 (3) :137-41.

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