понедельник, 20 июля 2009 г.


Cimaterol is a stimulant, a fat burner, clenbuterol and similar to many and varied and some of them very important. Both are cimaterol clen and beta-agonists, and therefore the anabolic and thermogenic (Reprod Nutr Dev. 1988; 28 (1) :61-84. Domest Anim Endocrinol. October 1990, 7 (4) : 477 -84), and to stimulate the adrenal glands, elevated body temperature, increased heart rate, etc. And they imitate the "fight or flight" response is very good. Cimaterol, however, can stimulate beta-1, 2 and 3, a receiver clen only stimulates the beta 2 and 3 receivers. May this lead to an increase in the burning of fat compared with clenbuterol cimaterol. In addition, a greater proportion of brown adipose tissue is burned by means of the CIM Člen more, as far as I can tell. Cimaterol stimulates both lypolisis (fat burning: release of free fatty acids and glycerol), as well as inhibit lypogenesis (get fat: the inclusion of 14C fatty acids from [14C] glucose ) and in May is even more effective than clen, may make it more powerful fat burners. In addition, it stimulates protein synthesis and thus fat-free mass increase in May through this mechanism (Domest Anim Endocrinol. October 1990, 7 (4) :477-84) in the same time, the burning of fat. After a few weeks, however, the anabolic effects weaken in May, and one study showed an increase of weight (fat loss and muscle gain Ergo, in conjunction with the loss of fat), suspended after 14 days (J Anim Phys.-Math. January 1992, 70 (1) :115-22.). Energy metabolism is significantly increased, and CIM (Am J Physiol. December 1988, 255 (6 Pt 2): R952-60). Cimaterol also stimulates blood circulation and cause acute mobilization of nitrogen (alanine), which significantly increases the absorption of amino acids in the muscles, and mobilizes the lactic acid from the muscles (J Anim Phys.-Math. April 1998, 76 (4) :988-98.). Thus, it May not be the athletic performance (strength and possibly speed) to reduce the impact of clen (which I already wrote about the studies and references to time, I will not that I. is beyond the scope of this article). This is pure speculation on my part, and ICD in May is still some of the objectives of reducing the effects of clen and andrenergic other beta-agonists, like ephedrine can see no reason to believe he ICD (I have not read all the studies indicate that). In any case, much research that I read, and compared with those of clenbuterol Cimaterol suggests that indeed more powerful for burning fat is clen. Ok ... Now you know I have to say about Cimaterol we will see how other people have said ... Here Dan Duchaine (RIP) had to say about Cimaterol: "Until some of the new synthetic agonist beta-3 is commercially available beta-agonists of choice is always clenbuterol (although STRONGER cimaterol is available as a research product in the United States). Doug Kalman (author of "Fat Attack)," wrote about Cimaterol, and said: "While it remains to be tested on humans, animal studies found Cimaterol which is more powerful than beta-agonists, clenbuterol, the protein to promote the conservation and sediment, but also showed a strong anti-catabolic properties in the case of cancer or burns. " So yes, things are not only more fat burner, it is anti-catabolic. Seems promising, no? Unfortunately, it regulates beta receptors and clen (J Anim Phys.-Math. January 1992, 70 (1) :115-22.) Thus, for 3 weeks to 1 week type of schedule in May and also appropriate add Ketotifen when, after 3 weeks (and will not cimaterol And cimaterol 4 weeks, every 4 weeks, which must be added to the MGS 2-3 Ketotifen in every night before bed). You can also use 50mg of Banadryl rather than Ketotifen in the same way. As with any new drug, precautions must be taken with this thing. Dose of 0.15 mg / kg administered subcutaneously at a standard dose in human studies, I try to ease the dose of me, but I prefer tablets (also available). This is the part of any form of dangerous doses. Cimaterol, LD50: 1.973 mg / kg (males) and 1745 mg / kg (female)


(Tadalafil citrate) Cialis (tadalifil) is the second generation of Viagra, more or less. Despite the fact that the blue pills work in May to allow the erection of 6-8 hours, Cialis is good for 36-48 hours. This obviously makes more practical. Why do we say this? I'm not sure which, with the help of endogenous testosterone is necessary to consider the use of these compounds, but the drug can still use some of the posts during the course of treatment. Many men think that once and they will begin the post steroid cycle therapy (PCT), they suffer from decreased libido and erectile dysfunction. Cialis May be useful to help people, at least for the PCT. Effectiveness and safety of tadalafil for the treatment of erectile dysfunction was evaluated in a study of 6 months. Men with mild, moderate or severe ED received tadalafil (20 mg) in case of need or a placebo (a minute now, baby, no, really). Tadalafil significantly improved erectile function compared to placebo (which has only managed to embarrass the men who tried him and get laid). At the end of the study, attempts at sexual intercourse success rate for users of Cialis is 73.5% (which applies only to the ability to achieve erection, and communications rather than the actual success rate of those trying to get laid on that night) (1). Of particular interest to those considering the use of Cialis is that the absence of sexual activity due to erectile dysfunction effectively reduced the level of testosterone through a central influence on the hypothalamic-pituitary axis ( 2). Cialis has been given to men for months, and at the end, they have the level of testosterone, as they have more (2). It seems unlikely that other drugs in a direct effect on the pituitary-testicular axis. This material is really very safe, and even with the 3x per week for men (1) for a long period, it was good, very few parts and was very effective (1). Thus, it could be set for another potential inclusion in the PCT. Tadalafil (20 mg) significantly improved erectile function could increase testosterone, and it is good (3) â € ", of course, is to think of the next cycle. References: 1.A 6-month study of the efficacy and safety of tadalafil for the treatment of erectile dysfunction: a randomized, double-blind, parallel group, placebo-controlled study of Australian men. Int J Clin Pract. 2005 Feb; 59 (2) :143-9. 2. Inhibitors of phosphodiesterase type V for the treatment of erectile dysfunction increase testosterone levels. Clin Endocrinol (Oxf). 2004 Sep; 61 (3) :382-6. 3. The effectiveness of treatment and satisfaction of demand tadalafil (Cialis) in men with erectile dysfunction. Eur Urol. 2004 Sep; 46 (3) :362-9, discussion 369.


Tadalafil citrate Cialis against Viagra Cialis (Tadalifil citrate), is the second generation of Viagra, more or less. Despite the fact that the blue pills work in May to allow the erection of 6-8 hours, Cialis is good for 36-48 hours. This obviously makes more practical. Why do we say this? Well, I doubt that, with the help of endogenous testosterone is necessary to consider the use of these compounds, it may still use some of the posts during the course of treatment. Many men think that once and they will begin the post steroid cycle therapy (PCT), they suffer from decreased libido and erectile dysfunction. Well, Cialis May be useful to help people, at least for the PCT. Effectiveness and safety of Tadalafil for the treatment of erectile dysfunction was evaluated in a study of 6 months. Men with mild, moderate or severe ED received tadalafil (20 mg) in case of need or a placebo ( "Now, at any time, not a child, really). Tadalafil significantly improved erectile function compared to placebo (which has only managed to embarrass the men who tried him and get laid). At the end of the study, attempts at sexual intercourse success rate for users of Cialis is 73.5% (which applies only to the ability to achieve erection, and communications rather than the actual success rate of those trying to get laid on that night) (1). Cialis Side Effects Of particular interest to those considering the use of Cialis is that the absence of sexual activity due to erectile dysfunction indeed decreases testosterone (T) levels through a central influence on of the hypothalamic-pituitary axis. (2) Cialis given to men for months, and at the end, they have the level of testosterone, as they have more (2) because it is unlikely that other drugs in a direct effect on the pituitary axis -testes. This material is really very safe, and even with the 3x per week for men (1) for a long time, and it is good, very few parts and was very effective (1). Thus, it could be set for another potential inclusion in the PCT. Tadalafil (20 mg) significantly improved erectile function could increase testosterone, and it is good (3), then, of course, think the next round. References: A 6-month study of the efficacy and safety of tadalafil for the treatment of erectile dysfunction: a randomized, double-blind, parallel group, placebo-controlled study of Australian men. Int J Clin Pract. 2005 Feb; 59 (2) :143-9. Inhibitors of phosphodiesterase type V for the treatment of erectile dysfunction increase testosterone levels. Clin Endocrinol (Oxf). 2004 Sep; 61 (3) :382-6. The effectiveness of treatment and satisfaction of demand tadalafil (Cialis) in men with erectile dysfunction. Eur Urol. 2004 Sep; 46 (3) :362-9, discussion 369.


(Caffeine) Yes, caffeine € . Things that you are at Starbucks. Caffeine (1,3,7-trimethylxanthine) is a sympathomimetic and a member of the xanthine family. Fortunately for us, most of the United States (and the world) is addicted to things, so that the FDA is likely to leave us alone on this issue. In addition, it is over 99% orally bioavailable in a cup of black coffee is still socially acceptable, and largely as a good method of delivery as the pill. Caffeine will increase the temperature of bodies, limbs, and improve your ability to concentrate and focus on simple tasks. He received two (slight) strength (nerve), increased exposure and improving the capacity for endurance. These effects are quite remarkable that the caffeine in high doses, was banned because the IOC and the NCAA. Of course, too much, and you will be nervous and anxious. Tolerance, therefore, must be evaluated on an individual (you), he swallowed. Effectiveness of the decline appears to occur in the last 500mg, although the curve. Let S € ™ go a little more. There is an inverted U curve (eg, a glass with one side open on the table and not sit right). Ergo, more is not always better. Anxiety is set at a dose of 1000 mg / day, but the performance in May after suffering 500mgs/day. 1-2mgs/kg body seems to be an optimal solution for their strength, endurance, and cognitive capacity to expand, not to mention in the acceptable range to be stacked with ephedrine, at 1:10 ( E: C) ratio. However, caffeine is a legal and economic stimulus that will increase performanc € if, like me, it passes through the energy drink, you chat with your Vodkaâ €


Aromasin (exemestane)
Aromasin (exemestane) is an inhibitor of the steroidal aromatase suicide, which means that decreases the production of estrogen in the body by blocking the enzyme aromatase, an enzyme responsible for the synthesis of estrogen. (1) (2) (3) This document was prepared to fight against breast cancer in postmenopausal women who need special medical treatment and for which the first line of defense, such as SERM (tamoxifen), did not work. This must be our first key to the conclusion that this material is very strong, or at least stronger than other compounds, which are used to fight against breast cancer. Aromasin side effects Aromasin average 85% of the suppression of estrogen levels (4), which is clearly a very effective tool for bodybuilders and other athletes want to avoid estrogen related side effects such as gyno, acne or water retention caused by steroids aromatizing. In particular, the dose of exemestane that selectively prevents the activity of aromatase in the time-dependent and irreversible manner (hence the "suicide" of his name, I think). (7) As in most compounds of this class, but also led to a reasonable increase in testosterone (6), in May and as you guessed it, an increase of testosterone means that exemestane may also cause androgenic sides ( 8) (9) (10). As can be seen in the table below, exemestane is effective in reducing estrogen (estradiol) and the increase of testosterone: Fig. 1. Estrogen and androgen plasma D after 10 days by exemestane (25 or 50 mg) in young men (mean ± standard deviation, N = 9-11). To convert to Système International units: estradiol, picomole per liter (x3.671); estrone, picomole per liter (x3.699), androstenedione, nanomoles per liter (* 0.003492), and testosterone, nanomoles per liter (x0. 03467). (13) So we see that very 25mg of effective dose of this scheme, no? As an added benefit, exemestane, not only increases testosterone and estrogen decreases, but also increases the level of IGF (11). In addition, it should be noted that Aromasin May be less severe on blood lipids (14) than others (even) compounds we use in the world of bodybuilding and athletics (the other of Amnesty International). He also, at best, have no effect on the IGF, and in the worst case could be less than (13). Amnesty International is very difficult in terms of inconsistencies in the levels of IGF. Unfortunately, you need to exemestane for a week to ensure sustainable levels of blood plasma, and exemestane has a half life of 27 hours (12.). The ability of exemestane to lower estrogen levels in these 85% are a very good choice for use in the cycle where aromatizing used steroids. In addition, since it is not too hard for all blood lipid profiles, it is a very good choice for longer cycles. This is an opportunity to raise the level of testosterone is likely to indicate that it would be a very pleasant addition of a post-cycle therapy (PCT). References: A predictive model for exemestane pharmacokinetics / pharmacodynamics of the impact of food and formulation.Br J Clin Pharmacol. 2005 Mar; 59 (3) :355-64. Exemestane to prevent breast cancer: a feasible strategy? Clin Cancer Res. 2005 Jan 15; 11 (2 Pt 2): 24S-918s. Endocrinology and hormone therapy in breast cancer: aromatase inhibitors versus antioestrogen, Anthony Howell1 and Mitch Dowsett2. 1CRUK Department of Medical Oncology at the University of Manchester, Christie Hospital, Manchester, United Kingdom. 2Academic Department of Biochemistry, Royal Marsden Hospital, London, United Kingdom. Breast Cancer Res 2004, 6:269-274 DOI: 10.1186/bcr945. Published 6 October 2004 Eur. J. cancer. 2000 May 36 (8) :976-82 Breast Cancer Res Treatment. 1995, 36 (3) :287-97. J Clin Endocrinol Metab. December 2003, 88 (12) :5951-6. Nippon Yakurigaku Zasshi. October 2003, 122 (4) :345-54. Clin Cancer Res. January 2003, 9 (1 Pt 2): 468S-72S. J Clin Endocrinol Metab 2000 Jul; 85 (7) :2370-7 J Steroid Biochem Mol Biol 1997 Nov-Dec; 63 (4-6) :261-7 Anticancer Res. 2003 July-August, 23 (4) :3485-91 Clin Cancer Res. January 2003, 9 (1 Pt 2): 468S-72S Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism Vol. 88, № 12 5951-5956 Copyright © 2003 Endocrine Society J Clin Endocrinol Metab. December 2003, 88 (12) :5951-6.


Arimidex (Anastrozole) is what we call an aromatase inhibitor (AI). In clinical use, it´s used to halt the progression of Breast Cancer in women. It works by blocking the aromatase enzyme, which is responsible for the production of estrogen. In athletics and bodybuilding, it is used as an ancillary compound to be added to a cycle of Anabolic Steroids. In this respect it is also used for its estrogen reducing properties, but it has the additional benefit of increasing testosterone levels, as we´ll see...
Arimidex Side Effects
Many anabolic steroids aromatize (convert to estrogen via the aromatase enzyme), and this is responsible for many of the unwanted side effects found with anabolic steroid use (acne, gynocomastia, water-retention, etc...). In one study, both .5mg and 1mg doses of Arimidex were shown to decrease estrogen by roughly 50%. The 1mg/day dose also increased testosterone levels by 58% (1). In that same study, in both groups, LH and FSH also went up slightly.
Take a look:
Changes in testosterone and E2 concentrations in normal young men (15 22 yr old) before () and after 10 days of oral anastrozole at 0.5 and 1 mg.(1)
This would seem to suggest that for use during a cycle, a dose of .5mgs/day would be sufficient to combat estrogen-related side effects. It is, however, important to remember that some estrogen is necessary to obtain optimal muscle growth. The lower estrogen levels provided by ´dex seems, anecdotally at least, to produce a more "hard" and "quality" look for bodybuilders who have experimented with it´s use in either a cutting or bulking cycle.
I´d like to point out that the elevation in Testosterone provided by Arimidex is so large that it can be used as a "form" of testosterone replacement therapy for hypogonadal men (2). Clearly, this suggests its use in a post-cycle-therapy (as well as its previously discussed use within a cycle) to regain natural testosterone levels and full functioning of the HPTA (Hypothalamic-Testicular-Pituitary-Axis).
Literature provided by the original maker of Anastrozole (Arimidex, produced by Zeneca Pharmaceuticals) states that stable blood plasma concentrations of the compound are achieved after a mere 7 consecutive 1mg daily doses. Also, Arimidex is just over 80% effective at inhibiting aromatase (3). Thus, if you want to take it for the entire duration of a cycle of anabolic steroids, you can simply start taking it on the same day you begin your cycle. Those are some pretty good numbers, huh?
But can you use it for the entire duration of a cycle? Is it dangerous? Well, certainly reducing estrogen levels in your body is good from a body building point of view, as it reduces water-retention and the potential for gynocomastia (if there´s no estrogen in your body, you can´t get gyno, regardless of how much progesterone is floating around)(5). Luckily this stuff is very mild on blood lipids (cholesterol) and doesn´t affect them adversely (2), in the studies I´ve seen.
Arimidex and Cholestrol
As previously mentioned, those lowered estrogen levels could possibly (eventually) adversely affect your cholesterol and possibly even your immune function. I am, however, very comfortable recommending Arimidex for relatively long-term use. This should be the ancillary compound of choice for those on long and heavy cycles, especially since it also doesn´t inhibit igf like some other ancillary compounds (insulin-like-growth-factor is an important component of anabolism)(4).
Price of Arimidex
Though price of Arimidex will vary, this is one of the compounds I will caution the reader from buying in its legitimate pharmaceutical form. The price (up to $5/tab) is absurd, when you consider its availability from Underground Labs, as well as in research form, for less than 1/3rd of that. I´ve used both the tabs from an Underground Lab, as well as the liquid version from research-sites, and found the results from both to be exactly the same.

J Clin Endocrinol Metab 2000 Jul;85(7):2370-7, "Estrogen Suppression in Males"
Clin Endocrinol (Oxf). 2005 Feb;62(2):228-35.
Arimidex Package insert
J Steroid Biochem Mol Biol. 2002 Apr;80(4-5):411-8.
Progesterone is not essential to the differentiative potential of mammary epithelium in the male mouse. Freeman, Topper. Endocrinology. 1978 Jul;103(1):186-92


Androgel and Androderm (testosterone)
Transdermal Testosterone on the market has been largely Hormone Replacement Therapy market over the last ten years. For over 50 years, testosterone has been used to treat Hypogonadism. In recent years, an increase in the use of testosterone in men with Hypogonadism, late start, which is sometimes referred to as andropause. Testosterone in older men and hypogonadic can improve your sense of well-being and lead to increased muscle and bone mass, upper body strength, virility and libido (5). Oral unmodified testosterone is not a viable option because of its first-pass metabolism rapidly, possible liver toxicity and its relatively short half-life. Thus, injection of testosterone, was used for a very long time as an effective method of hormonal. Almost ten years, there is an alternative to oral and injections of testosterone have been developed. Initially, these other methods of application of testosterone does shave the surface of the skin (scrotum * generally ... No, really), and accompanied by a patch of testosterone low heat (again, no, really), like a hair dryer, which are mainly hot-glued on the testosterone patch to the scrotum. I do not see me for life, the logic used by a doctor who believes that this method is preferable to weekly or bi-monthly injections. Fortunately, this procedure is more painful to the point where it is now, and you can simply apply the self-adhesive patch or testosterone gel rub some anywhere on your body and get the same effect. In recent BALCO scandal better than many references to the method of freezing. I think that for a proper understanding of these products, we must examine both the drug (testosterone) and the mode of administration (transdermal delivery) and how they work together and how they correlate with injections of testosterone. When some of them (nonscrotal) transdermal testosterone preparations have been examined, they showed that the plasma concentration in the TS increased rapidly and reached a peak in 3-6 hours after applying a patch test. . (2) This can be compared to some of the best interpreters of products out there in my experience, the athlete usually swallow the pill the patch hangs on one day, however. In principle, one can expect these benefits to the injection of a transdermal testosterone (dose even if they are not). What we have here Androderm, a patch containing testosterone and Androgel 12.2mgs, which gives roughly the same (you can get only 10% of the drug in the preparation ... Thus, one hundred and test MSG in the form of a gel, 10mg will the amount of your body). Below is a table comparing transdermal injection, with the help of testosterone: Stationary pharmacokinetic profiles of T, BT, DHT, and E2 profiles during the night, the use of TTD systems (N = 27, left) and twice weekly injections of T enanthate IM (N = 29; X , right) measured in week 16. Dotted lines indicate the upper and lower limits of normal range based on morning serum samples (T, 306-1031 ng / dL, BT, 92-420 ng / dL DHT, 28-85 ng / dL, E2 , 0.9-3.6 ng / dL). Error bars indicate ± SD. (1) Not great, eh? A simple injection of 100 mg of testosterone is much higher peak plasma concentration of testosterone, although testosterone transdermal system is more stable in terms of the levels of blood plasma. So what are the advantages of transdermal application? Obviously, it is very stable in the blood of the complexity of management. I know it seems I am in the murder of your card, but consider this: Serum T concentrations (mean ± SE) before (day 0) and after transdermal T applications in the days 1, 30, 90 and 180. Time 0 h 0800 h, when samples of blood, usually. At 90 days, the dose in the gel material from the application of T 50 or 100 were titrated up or down if their preapplication serum T levels above or below the normal range of adult males , respectively. In this and the figures, the dotted lines indicate the range of normal adult male, and lines and open symbols represent subjects whose dose of T gel was adjusted. Thus, successively, .. but who cares? The level of testosterone, it gave us just enough to provide an increase in height (financial) costs. However, it would be wonderful if we could get a larger history of this mix? Or maybe even with clen, so that we can use directly on the areas of fat? Or Tren? It would be great, right? It will have an opportunity for the first time the needle-phobic steroid users to use elements that were previously only available as an injection! Women can use Tren products without leaving any marks of the needle! In fact ... and a little creativity, underground laboratories could even make a transdermal product that would never arrive at the office (perhaps in the form of stickers or any). But ... I think it is not in the cards, but ... Allows you to move on ... One of the successes of the method of transdermal delivery of testosterone DuroTak combines 87-2510 as an adhesive polymer. This, combined with 3% dodecylamine and 10% Span 80. This, in combination with testosterone creates a transdermal delivery system nice (4). Another experimental transdermal testosterone preparation contains occlusion, octisalate (OS) and propylene glycol (PG), called Solugel (which owns hydrogel containing PG 25% w / w) and Tegaderm (a semi-film dressing) on the penetration of TES was assessed. Occlusion had no effect on the penetration of TES, however, increased the flow TES OS 2.9 times. The concentration of PG that optimize the flow of TES was 20% V / V, and this concentration resulted in a 1.9-fold increase in TES permeation. By combining OS, PG, and occlusion, transdermal penetration of testosterone through the skin increased by 8.7 times, is to increase synergies, it is clear that this means that the sum of the parts is much more large that their results (3). Why do I say to bother you all the ingredients that can be easily found on the suppliers of chemicals and purchased legally? Of course, so you can make a transdermal testosterone preparation (or friction or clen or something) and it would be illegal. Even if you know the ingredients, in May, but simply to make a gel with some of them and testosterone (or the train station, Finaplex granules), and create your own transdermal drugs. It would be wrong and References: jcem.endojournals.org/content/vol84/issue10 In vitro and in vivo nonscrotal evaluate a new type of matrix transdermal testosterone. Drug Dev Ind Pharm. 2005 Mar; 31 (3) :257-61. Synergistic increase of testosterone transdermal delivery systems. J Control Release. 2005 Apr 18; 103 (3) :577-85. The current status of therapy with symptomatic late Hypogonadism transdermal testosterone gel. Eur Urol. 2005 Feb; 47 (2) :137-46. Effects of androgen substitution on lipid profile of the adult and aging hypogonadal men. Eur J Endocrinol. October 2004, 151 (4) :415-24. Review. [Gruenewald, Matsumoto. J Am Geriatr Social 2003, 51:101; Morales. Aging Male 2004, in press].


Andriole (testosterone undecanoate)
Andriole testosterone undecanoate ester attached, and orally. It is the first real attempt to create an oral testosterone methyl testosterone. I can only assume that the scientists responsible for this desire to create a viable alternative to both injectable testosterone (which, at least, a hormone replacement therapy, it is embarrassing), and other oral forms of testosterone (which traditionally been very hard on the liver). The fact that they come from very strange steroids in many ways. To create Andriole, scientists have been involved to come to the problems of methyltestosterone, which is that hard on the liver and should be taken in very high doses to produce decent results. What they did to 40mg testosterone Undecanoate oleic acid (oil), and integrity. Now they use castor oil and propylene glycol laurate instead of oleic acid, however, that only increases the lifespan and do nothing else. For some, reading this budding chemists, you can ask the obvious question. And yes, you can almost estrified any drug (nandrolone decanoate, for example), and dissolve it in castor oil and propelyne glycol laurate, and create your own "Deca Hat", or whatever. The problem is that you should be able to make sealed gel caps, not only the type 2 capsules most people throw steroid powder in. If anything, I'm digressing, back to Andriole. Once you put a bit of testosterone undecanoate expressed in oil and propelyne glycol laurate, you have testosterone, which is highly soluble in fat under the (very large) undecanoate ester attached to it, and May be due to your small intestine through the lymphatic system. What does this mean that it avoids "first pass" in the liver, a process that could destroy a significant portion of the assets of steroids, as well as spend an inordinate amount of stress on the liver. He also showed the rapid circulation and absorption in one study (11), which can not cause side effects. This is not bad for your blood pressure (13), and has no negative effects on the prostate and May to increase blood pressure (12)! Thus, Andriole remarkably light on all side effects, particularly associated with liver toxicity and estrogenic sides. Andriole for women The study, done with women, it has not yet demonstrated the ability to reduce LH and FSH (Leutenizing hormone and follicle stimulating hormone), which are hormones that tell your body to increase testosterone (11) . I doubt, Andriole could be considered as the liver is too toxic or damage to your HPTA (hypothalamic-pituitary-testicular axis, the fact that your body regulates the production of testosterone, among other things). any (even excessive) dose. In fact, one study observed no adverse reactions and the effect on the overall use of Andriole (10). Regarding your lipid profile and cholesterol, it has been shown that the beneficial effect on (14)! Thus, some testosterone gel Undecanoate Caps is that scientists in the Organon Andrioli make their product, and it seems so far, right? Active steroid ignores the liver and therefore receives no injury or damage to the liver, as well as do a lot of testosterone in the body. Great! But what happens next? Well, when the lymphatic system is composed of testosterone undecanoate for the treatment of body, undecanoate ester is starting to be removed. You will get an (approximately) 25mg of testosterone in blood as the decanoate ester is very "space" and that the cap contains a total of 40mg of testosterone undecanoate (about 15mg to ether). The final result of Andriole is very similar to the final consumer virtually any form of testosterone (4), once your body gets rid of the ether. But remember, you do not wear suspension and testosterone 25mg call him that day, but that's what you do when you take one course Andriole. So now you have 25mg of testosterone floating around your body. This is not a lot, so if you are really considering using this product, you need to take a series of vignettes of her. And it is one of the first challenges we faced with this drug. You see, the method of administration of this drug gives us a beautiful liver safe product, but this story will be the pinnacle of your testosterone levels by approximately 2 hours after admission, and will remain the only (at least one low) level of 10 hours (1). Ideally, you need to take the capsules every 2 hours, which is annoying at least. Let's be generous and say that you can just take one every 4 hours. Problem solved? Not really, because we must take at least 2 caps with each dose, if we want an anabolic effect, and if we take every 4 hours (provided we are awake for 16hrs every day), we take about 8 capsules per day. Now we have moved the issue of effort required for once, if a problem with the economy. The cost of purchasing Andriole The problem with the type of the dose, the cost of buying andrioli. Andriole is very expensive to take in the amount of 8 capsules per day, and I've never seen anyone except Organon And that means we can not find it on any lists of Underground Labs products. And that means we have to pay any price asked Organon ... and they require a lot. You can easily start a cycle of several highly anabolic compounds for the price of one cycle Andriole. So what are our main obstacles in taking Andriole effective dose is prohibitive for most people. One study noted that Andriole therapy, compared with injections of testosterone is about 7-8x more expensive (5). Andriole Side Effects Price does not last, we can see what the side effects Andriole we can expect (besides catabolic effect this will have on your wallet). Although it has a reputation as a very soft, you'll still see results Andriole. One study, using very low doses in adolescents have shown a reasonable gain of fat free mass (3), although boys are not training. And in another study on the elderly, improve their quality of life considerably (as androgens often) (6), and also had a positive impact on erectile dysfunction (7) (again, this is typical of androgens) . It is certainly encouraging, but in a world where ETS is the first, in May he be a useful complement to Viagra for this purpose (8). However, in a world where first time steroid users expect more than 20lbs per cycle, I suspect many will be disappointed with the 5lbs or cycle Andrioli will. Of course, this estimate, but I can not be sure to provide more muscle to be expected from Andriole. Taking many Andriole is a very safe (with the exception of your bank account), and even 3-month study in Korea, where a very low dose Andriole (160 mg daily for 3 weeks and then half this dose for the remainder of the study) led to a great increase in testosterone. Total testosterone in serum increased from 2.13 + / - 1.20 ng / ml at the base of 6.04 + / - 3.08 ng / ml (P = 0.005) after 12 weeks. In addition, testosterone has been (almost) changed significantly from 8.60 + / - 2.25 pg / ml to 11.40 + / - 3.81 pg / ml (p = 0.13) (10 ). However, no significant change in liver function, red blood cells and lipid profile, has no side effects that may lead to the cessation of oral administration of testosterone. Thus, Organon scientists have succeeded in making a beautiful, safe, moderately effective in the provision of oral therapy with low androgen. But can we (the athletes and bodybuilders) use? Honestly, I can not be sure, provide a gain 5lbs using Andriole, because the product has a very strange property, which is very different effects on its subjects. In a study I read, the four subjects were Andriole, and one was a huge increase of testosterone before they 60.1nmol / L, while the other had a single 11.5nmol / L level (5 )! The remaining 2 subjects fell between these levels. I speculate that the differences encountered by the subjects were mainly due to the inherent difference in the lymphatic system. But to make the issue even more confusing, there is no evidence that these differences would not occur in the same person who takes Andriole (ie, you get a huge increase of testosterone, one day and very little the next day). May this be due to the variability of whether the material is taken with food or not. As he works through association with the small intestine and lymph routes, taking food increases the bioavailability (9), and in May this be a "problem solved" but I have not dealt with the closure books on andrioli absorption problem as quickly as now, we just say, you have to spend money more wisely, if you take your andrioli nutrition. Despite all its problems, if I had the money to start the 10-15 Andriole of caps / day, and if I'm looking for a variety of interpretations safe to run a full cycle (approximately 12 weeks) , then I must admit, I Andriole # 1 choice. Testosterone undecanoate, in May and provide an alternative therapy for women to androgens. Testosterone Undecanoate + ether [androsta-4-ene-3-One, 17b-OL] Molecular weight of base: 288,429 Molecular weight of ester: 186.2936 Formula: C19 H28 O2 Melting point: 155 Manufacturer: Organon Effective dose: 600mg Active Life: less than 8.12 hours Detection time: 4-5 weeks Anabolic / Androgenic Ratio (Range): 100:100 References: What therapy androgen replacement for women? Journal of Clin Endocrinol and Metab. 83 1998 3920 -24 A new oral formulation of testosterone undecanoate. World J Urol. 2003 Nov; 21 (5) :311-5. Epub 2003 Oct 25. Review. The effects of oral testosterone undecanoate on growth, body composition, strength and energy expenditure of adolescents. Clin Endocrinol (Oxf). 1992 Sep; 37 (3) :207-13. Recovery of free androgens in the prostate of rat in vivo and in vitro after treatment orally active testosterone undecanoate (TU). Horm Metab Res. October 1980, 12 (10) :541-5 What replacement therapy testosterone? Clin Endocrinol (Oxf) 21 198497-107 Effect of oral testosterone undecanoate on visuospatial cognition, mood and quality of life in older men with low-normal gonadal status. Maturitas. 2005 Feb 14; 50 (2) :124-33. Effect of oral testosterone 12 months on the symptoms of testosterone deficiency in symptomatic elderly males with low-normal gonadal status. Age Aging. 2005 Mar; 34 (2) :125-30. Epub 2004 Dec 13. Oral testosterone undecanoate reverses erectile dysfunction associated with diabetes in patients not only sildenafil citrate. Aging men. 6 June 2003 (2) :94-9. Influence of food on the bioavailability of oral testosterone undecanoate. Pharmacotherapy. 2003 Mar; 23 (3) :319-25. Oral testosterone replacement in Korean patients with Padam. Aging men. 2002 Mar; 5 (1) :52-6. The administration of testosterone undecanoate in women after menopause: the effects of androgens, oestradiol and gonadotrophins. Menopause. July-August 2000, 7 (4) :251-6. Effects on androgen supplementation therapy on partial androgen deficiency of the age of men: a preliminary study. Aging men. 2002 Mar; 5 (1) :47-51. The therapeutic effect andrioli on serum lipids and apolipoproteins in elderly male patients with coronary artery disease. J. Science Chin Med 1992 Sep 7 (3) :137-41.